Saturday, August 3, 2013

Third (Through Ninth) Cache of August

August Third SouvenirI took an early trip this morning (only a few miles from home) to keep "Groundspeak's 31 Days of Geocaching" alive. The primary target was a cache I'd solved months back but never found – "Element Of Surprise!" (GC1QYB9). That took more time to locate than it should have, but I managed to find it. Being that it was a little outside of my normal caching zone I opted to hit a few more caches for a total of seven finds this morning;
  1. "Element Of Surprise!" (GC1QYB9)
  2. "121212121212 9 of 12" (GC427T9)
  3. "121212121212 8 of 12" (GC427T8)
  4. "121212121212 7 of 12" (GC427T7)
  5. "121212121212 6 of 12" (GC427T6)
  6. "121212121212 5 of 12" (GC427T5)
  7. "Get me to the church on time" (GC40NH8)
There was also one DNF on "Bridge Over Troubled Cement" (GC3GENA) which I think was there but so clever a hide I couldn't find it. That's one I'll have to hit again (hopefully with some fellow cachers) to see if I can't find it. So that's a total of ten attempted caches for the month, only nine of them found.

I also finally got around to building my template for Geosphere:
    Thanks for another find as I work on day [DATE d] of [url=]Groundspeak's 31 Days of Geocaching[/url]. This was my [REPLACE,[FIND COUNT TODAY],=,,^1$=first find of,=find number [FIND COUNT TODAY] on] the day.
So now I'll hopefully be able to log these finds a little easier.

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