Friday, August 30, 2013

Thirtieth Caching Day of August

August Thirtieth SouvenirTTF PrizeWith only two days left in "Groundspeak's 31 Days of Geocaching" I got lucky with a new, excellent cache publish not far from me. The President Series by puzzler26 never disappoints and today I was also to get there as the last of three to the First To Find party (the others being june17 and srstuart). The latest, "The Black Mamba (Presidential Series #23)" (GC4CPXJ) was another one of the hider's caches where it took multiple steps to retrieve the container, then to open it and recover the log. I'd love to share more but don't want to risk spoilers for those who might be lucky enough to visit on their own. My thanks to puzzler26 for another awesome hide and helping keep the streak alive (plus the TTF prize of a dollar coin)!

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